Moving From Forgiveness to Acceptance During this Quarantine

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I created this blog to inspire others to move through life with positivity in even the hardest times. This life is not easy but we all came here for a purpose and I wont stop until I figure out why.

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Hi, I'm saniha

Our whole lives we are taught to keep pushing and going no matter what comes your way; and if you don’t you’re either a quitter or not trying hard enough. This quarantine has taught me to forgive myself for wanting to take a rest day or eat something that may not be within my scope of healthy eating.

The next step forward from forgiving yourself is just letting it be and releasing all negative feelings. These days, I don’t feel anything about eating a slice of pizza or a cookie. Sometimes I don’t moderate how much I eat and that’s ok. Some days I wake up and I work out and other days I sleep in.

Since this quarantine, I’ve been working from home and some days I work out during lunch and other days I just want a shower and both of those things are ok.

I do believe in calorie counting and some days I would overeat and I used to beat myself up about it. I then realized that it was doing more harm than good. Being hard on myself has never worked for me and has only made things worse.

Within my job I made a mistake and I started to beat myself up. I caught myself and remembered I don’t make mistakes often or on purpose. I am human and just because something is not perfect or I am not perfect that does not change the fact I am an amazing human being who deserves the best  in all situations.

Something else I’ve been doing is listening to subliminal messages at night to reprogram my subconscious thoughts and I can’t speak highly enough about it.  I wake up every morning without anxiety and excitement for the day with so much gratitude and joy.

During a time like this, it’s so important to be patient and kind to yourself. Negative self-talk will only make this period of isolation worse. I encourage all of you to love yourself through this self-quarantine and move past forgiveness to acceptance by enjoying every aspect of your day. Enjoying that cookie to the fullest instead of feeling guilt or constantly trying to justify it.  Eat it. Savor it. Move forward.

Comments +

  1. Reina says:

    Love this! Hoping to master the art of forgiving myself

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