Supermoon in Aquarius Notes-Detachment

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I created this blog to inspire others to move through life with positivity in even the hardest times. This life is not easy but we all came here for a purpose and I wont stop until I figure out why.

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Hi, I'm saniha

This Supermoon was heavy for me and brought out all my insecurities. I felt all of these emotions so deeply that they brought me feelings of hopelessness.

After taking the time to reflect on these feelings I realized they reappeared during this time for me to view them with detachment from self.

Aquarius is famous for detachment but me being the Scorpio that I am I love to analyze and deeply feel my emotions. Doing this has got me nowhere but sad. Using the skills of detachment has allowed me to view these thoughts and feelings without attaching them to who I am. I can look at it clearly and recognize if these thoughts and feelings are even true.

Most of the time they are not, these are usually old feelings and thoughts from the past. Detachment gives me freedom and releases me from old negative thoughts and feelings.

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